How You Can Woo Your Partner with A Sensuous Adult Massage Therapy
If you want to give your partner a great time to relax, try out an adult massage session at home. Find out what all you need to do so that your loved one is relieved of stress and is aroused a bit.
Can you imagine your partner melting into your arms right after a sensual massage therapy? This often is the scenario among couples who know what it takes to woo their loved person. If your partner has been spending all day at office and coming back exhausted every day, here is a trick to re-energise them. A great massage! Yes a great massaging session is all it takes to make your loved one realise how much they are cared for.
In modern times, as work pressure intensifies people find it pretty tough to handle stress. With massaging however, they will almost feel stress leaving their body. The age old practice has long been administered for improving circulation throughout the body and helping eliminate harmful toxins. Besides, it’s hard to deny how pleasurable it turns out for a person when they find that the process is rendered by their very own partner. By now, it’s understandable why massaging is considered a holistic healing practice.
Let us now discover how you can use massage techniques to woo your loved one:
Setting the fire aflame with a relaxing and sensual massage therapy
Massaging is all about how to relax and eliminate stress from the body. For the best outcomes it’s vital to create the right ambience; but how? First dim the lights and play soothing music in the background. Now slowly light up scented candles until the fragrance reaches every corner of the room. If you want to create the ideal mood, get the temperature set a bit higher like what you find at Adult Massage salons in London. When your partner is wearing clothes ask them to take it off and lie down. It’s important that you select a suitable surface for the person to lie down comfortably. Furthermore the surface should be of full length as the height of your partner. If you don’t have the massage table, try using the floor mat.
Allow your partner to lie with their stomach down and arms above the head. Take massage oil, which triggers a sense of pleasure. Generally, oils with natural extracts are preferably used for the process. The natural oil administered on your partner’s body is meant to lessen any kind of friction between your hands and the skin of your partner. Masseurs practicing Tantric Massage in Edgware Road take only a small amount of the oil and then rub them on their hands.
Slowly start warming up your partner. Make sure you allow one of your hands to touch your partner throughout the process. Avoid surprising your partner with random moves. Be slow and gentle. You will need to administer slower, smoother and gentler strokes by exerting pressure through your fingers and palms. Slow down where it is necessary and gently exert pressure around the spinal cord. If you notice muscle knots, massage them right away with gentle strokes. Start from the shoulders, back, the neck and then explore all the erogenous areas till you can feel your loved one get aroused.
Remember the deeper the massage the more relaxing it will be.
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